Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Job (in)stability in the early stages of the Research Career

Back in January I took part in the wrap up event of the public consultation on the future of the European Research Area (ERA) organised by the European Commission: "ERA Conference 2012: Fostering Efficiency, Excellence and Growth". You can find the preliminary report about the public consultation in the European Commission web and I really recommend you to read it if you are interested in these issues.

My intervention was in the session called "Researchers: Why the European Research Area?" and I was asked to talk about the specific topics that are important for young researchers related to this. My speech (a short one because we were asked to last around 5 minutes) was focus on the mobility and instability issues in the early stages of the research career. If you click in the link below you can watch my talk. 

I hope you like it and I would like to know what you think about it (in the comments box for example). You can also enjoy the rest of the talks here. Related to my talk I recommend you to watch Dr. Vannessa Diaz's talk. It was very clear and to the point. I loved it.

Just one more thing. One issue that was recurrent in the answers to the consultation was the gender inequality mainly at the top positions in academia. This is not exclusive of the academic environment but can be found in other places as well. To finish this post I would like to leave you with this video title "The lack of women at the top" by Euronews (clicking in the image will redirect you to the video in Euronews´web).

The lack of women at the top

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