Yes, my SciFund project has been possible thanks to you. This is the post to thank all the fuelers who contributed to it for that and to thank other people who helped also with other things.
First of all I want to thank Jai Ranganathan and Jarret Byrnes for having the idea and making the challenge a reality. I also want to thank the researchers who took part in this first round of the SciFund challenge for their help polishing the project before publishing it, and especially to Jorge Mederos who has been a great team mate all this time.
I want to thank Esther Walker, from the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, as well, for all her help choosing most of the nice pictures that appeared in the video of my project.
Finally I want to thank my sister Angélica for all her help spreading the word about my project and the other two Spanish projects in the challenge.
And because I wanted to do something more special than a blog post, here you have this video dedicated to all of you, who have made this possible.
Contributors to "Cancer? Yeast has answers"
Anne Osterrieder |
Carlos Xabier |
Claire Villeneuve |
Jacek Walczynski |
Jelena |
Jesús |
Kanijo |
Lopez-Carr Walker Davies Murphy Bambridge |
Rafael Medina |
Robin Fink |
Simone |
Carlos Romá-Mateo |
Graham Richards |
Jagoba Barron |
Jimmy Garland |
Marc Figueras |
Nathan Tyler |
Raúl de la Puente |
Santiago Campillo Brocal |
Vladimir Vukicevic |
Aritz Lopategi |
Carlos |
Deidre Ruble |
Diego |
Elissa Malcohn |
Esther Martínez |
Francisco J. Teran |
George Gardiner |
Jocelyn Thurlow |
Jorge Mederos |
jose luis cebollada |
Juan Carlos |
Maggie Whitaker |
Mary Canady |
Maurice Cowell |
Mikel Martin |
Mischa Andrews |
MrGimlet |
Nahúm Chazarra |
Rubén Lijó |
Santi Rello Varona |
Sarah |
Sergio Gutierrez-Santos |
Udane Arambalza |
Bernardo Herradón |
Sarah Murray |
Bizkaitarra |
Charo Carballo |
Christoph Rabel |
Daniel Torregrosa |
FredericBaud |
José Manuel López Nicolás |
Patricia R |
Susana Díaz |
William Sadek |
Angelica Alonso |
María Paz Núñez |
Comprendia LLC |
Rosa Núñez Bayón |
Tim Skellett |
Mary Canady |
Gus Granados
P.S: The Second Round of the SciFund challenge is recruiting scientists during March to take part in May. This time I won´t be able to be part of it but if any of you want to try I strongly recommend the experience to you.
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